Before the University’s Opening
March 1992 to March 2000
1992 | March | A report is issued by the Committee for Consideration of Establishment of a Higher Nursing Education Institute |
1994 | March | Investigative Report issued relating to the establishment of a prefectural nursing university |
1995 | April | The Nursing University Establishment Office is set up within the Ishikawa Prefectural Office (General Health Administration Section, Welfare Division) |
1996 | January | A report is issued by the Prefectural Nursing University Basic Framework Formulation Committee |
February | At the Ishikawa Prefecture Legislative Meeting, the Governor announces his plan to open a prefectural nursing university in April 2000 | |
1997 | February | A basic plan is drawn up for university buildings |
April | The Nursing University Establishment Office is moved to the General Administration Section, General Administration Division. | |
September | A basic design is drawn up for university buildings | |
1998 | February | A design is drawn up for university buildings |
August | Construction of university buildings begins | |
1999 | April | An application for approval is submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) for the establishment of a prefectural nursing university. |
September | An application is submitted to MEXT for designation of the university as a training institution for public health and clinical nurses. | |
December | MEXT grants its 22nd approval for the establishment of a prefectural nursing university. The university is designated as a training institution for public health and clinical nurses. |
Since the University’s Opening
April 2000 to March 2010
2000 | April | Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University opens, with Katsuko KANAGAWA appointed as the university’s first President. |
2002 | April | The Graduate School Establishment Committee is formed |
2003 | February | At the Ishikawa Prefecture Legislative Meeting, the Governor announces his plan to establish a graduate school at Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University in April 2004 |
May | Kenritsu Kangodai(“Prefectural Nursing University”) expressway interchange and Nursing University Road are opened | |
June | An application is submitted to MEXT for approval to establish the Graduate School of Nursing. | |
November | Approval is granted by MEXT to establish the Graduate School of Nursing Master’s Program | |
2004 | April | The Graduate School of Nursing Master’s Program (now the pre-doctoral program) is established |
2005 | June | An application is submitted to MEXT for approval to change the Graduate School of Nursing courses |
December | Approval is granted by MEXT to establish the Graduate School of Nursing Doctoral Program | |
2006 | March | The Japan Association of Nursing Programs in Universities (JANPU) approves the specialist nurse education course (common subjects, geriatric nursing, community nursing) |
March | Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University passes evaluation and receives university accreditation on March 29 | |
April | Tasuku KIMURA is appointed as the university’s second president | |
April | The Graduate School of Nursing Doctoral Program is established | |
2008 | January | The Japan Association of Nursing Programs in Universities approves the specialist nurse education course (Cancer Nursing) |
February | The Japan Association of Nursing Programs in Universities approves the specialist nurse education course (Child Nursing) |
2010 to Today
2010 | May | Tenth anniversary of the university’s opening |
October | An agreement for comprehensive cooperation is established with Kahoku City | |
2011 | March | The university song established |
2011 | April | The university becomes a public university corporation, and Kazuko ISHIGAKI is appointed as the university’s third president. |
2012 | October | A second Memorandum of Understanding for academic exchange is signed with the University of Washington (USA) School of Nursing |
2013 | November | The Career Development Support Center is established |
2014 | March | The university receives accreditation from the Japan Association of Nursing Programs in Universities: 38 credits of specialist nurse education courses (common subjects, oncology nursing, geriatric nursing, community nursing) |
November | A Memorandum of Understanding for academic exchange is signed with the Jeonbuk National University (Korea) College of Nursing | |
2015 | January | The university receives accreditation from the Japan Association of Nursing Programs in Universities: 38 credits of specialist nurse education courses (pediatric nursing) |
2016 | March | A Memorandum of Understanding for academic exchange is signed with the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (China) |
March | A Memorandum of Understanding for academic exchange is signed with the Jilin University School of Nursing (China) | |
2017 | July | A third Memorandum of Understanding for academic exchange is signed with the University of Washington (USA) |
August | The Graduate School of Nursing is officially designated a midwifery school by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology | |
August | China-Japan-Korea Nursing Forum held | |
2018 | April | The Midwifery Training Course is established as a Master’s program at the university’s Graduate School of Nursing |
2019 | July | A Memorandum of Understanding for academic exchange is signed with the Chiang Mai University (Thailand) Faculty of Nursing |
2020 | June | Published a book to commemorate our twentieth anniversary |
2022 | April | Hiromi SANADA is appointed as the university’s fourth president |
2023 | April | The Department of Bio-engineering Nursing is established as a joint research course with Saraya Co., Ltd. |

Hiromi SANADA President Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University Hiromi SANADA, RN, PhD, WOCN, FAAN President Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing UniversityB.S., St….

Messages from Alumni and Students
【Introducing IPNU】 Satomi MINAMIDA,BS, Class of 20XX Ever since my high school days, I’ve found myself intrigued by international cooperation. While studyi…

Our Philosophy
Nursing is a job that involves assisting people in various degrees of health, to help them live their lives to their fullest potential. For that reason, nurs…

【Representing Our Pride and Confidence as an Educational Institution Training the Next Generation of Nursing Leaders】 Overlapping CirclesIconography repres…

【Undergraduate School】 FacultyFaculty of NursingStudent Capacity340 (Admission capacity : 80; new third-year transfer students : 10)DegreeBachelor of Scien…

Before the University’s Opening(March 1992 to March 2000) March 2000 to March 2010 April 2010 to Today 【Before the University’s Opening】 March 1992 to Ma…

Campus Guide
The Blue Sea, Majestic Mountains, and Fresh Air Make This the Perfect Place to Cultivate your Sensibilities. A Spacious Campus with a View of the Sea and Mou…

The Library
Our library is a two-story spacious area with nearly 60,000 books, many items of audio-visual educational software, subscribed science journals, an…

The Community Care Center
As the general point of contact for creating a ‘University open to the community’, the Community Care Center provides a base for prefectural residents and nu…

The Career Development Support Center
The Career Development Support Center was established in November 2013 as a hub to support and promote the career development of nursing professionals, with …

Industry-Academia-Government Joint Projects
【Agreement Entered into with Saraya Co., Ltd. to Establish the Department of Bio-engineering Nursing as a Joint Research Course】 On January 10, 2023, Ishik…

【Wide Area Map】 【Vicinity Map of University】 【how to get to University】 By fixed-route bus from JR Takamatsu Station : Approx.5 minutes(Kango Daigakuma…

Declaration of Non-Smoking
【IPNU Declaration of Non-Smoking】 On September 1, 2016, Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University officially declared the entire university campus grounds to…